Inquiry status: |
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Submissions close: |
Reporting date: |
Submissions to this inquiry are open.
There are few rules for submissions, only that they must be relevant, written and received before the closing date. Include your name, phone number, and postal or email addresses, before sending your submission in either digital or physical form to one of these addresses:
- By email (preferred):
- By post: Select Committee on Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, ACT Legislative Assembly, GPO Box 1020, Canberra ACT 2601
- Online: Make a Submission
Submissions received by the committee may be published online, but personal contact details will be removed.
Closing date for submissions is 5pm on 15 November 2024. If you will have difficulty meeting this deadline, please request an extension.
Need help? Check out our guide to writing a submission for tips and advice.
Terms of reference
Dummy Terms of Reference:
At its meeting on 2 December 2020 (amended 4 August 2022), the Legislative Assembly resolved that:
‘all bills presented to the Assembly stand referred to the relevant standing committee for inquiry and report within two months from the presentation of the bill, except for those bills introduced in the last sitting week of the calendar year where the committee shall report in two months. Within 21 days of the presentation of the bill in the Assembly, the committee must decide whether or not to undertake an inquiry, and shall inform the Speaker of its decision, the Speaker must then arrange for all members to be notified. In the event that the subject matter of the bill makes it unclear which committee it should be referred to, the Speaker will determine the appropriate committee.’
The Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2023was presented in the Assembly on 31 August 2023 and referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety (the Committee).