Participate in public inquiries

For the people

The Legislative Assembly serves the people of the ACT. Much of the detailed work of the Assembly is done by committees, made up of members of the Legislative Assembly. A major part of committee work is conducting inquiries into public policy issues or public administration. Committee inquiries provide an opportunity for community members to have their say on the issues that impact on the lives of people living in the ACT.

Committee Inquiries

View current inquiries

Subjects for inquiries can be referred to a committee by the Assembly when there is a lot of community concern about a particular issue or when community views are sought on a particular subject. Committees can also self refer inquiries on matters they consider to be of public importance or matters that have been raised with them by constituents. It is important for committees to hear from individuals, experts in the field, representatives of groups and organisations, as well as government departments.

Diversity of views enhances the committee inquiry process.

Inquiry process

It's your Assembly—so get involved!

Committee Report

Once the final report for an inquiry is tabled in the Assembly everyone who contributed to the inquiry will be notified. Reports are available on the website and copies are available from the Committee Support office. Here is a list of recent reports.

Each committee has a secretary that can provide you with assistance to participate in an inquiry.

How can I get involved?

Written submissions: The best way to get your views considered by the committee is to prepare a written submission. There is no set format for a submission but it is important that the content addresses one or more of the terms of reference.

Appearing at a public hearing: Once submissions have been received the committee will usually hold a public hearing to take oral evidence. The committee may invite some people to appear before the committee to ask them further questions about their submissions.

See the Guide for Making a Submission or Appearing Before a Committee (PDF) for further information.

Attending a public forum: From time to time a committee may hold a public forum to inform or consult with community members.

Community Organisations: Committees work closely with groups and organisations representing community views. You can also talk to them about getting involved in public inquiries.

ACT Assembly Committees

12 standing committees and 3 select committees conduct public inquiries in the Tenth Assembly. They currently are:

Contact the Committee Support office for more information about the Inquiry process.

Committee Support
ACT Legislative Assembly
GPO Box 1020, Canberra ACT 2601

Phone: (02) 6205 0127

