Inquiry status: |
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Submissions to this inquiry are open.
There are few rules for submissions, only that they must be relevant, written and received before the closing date. Include your name, phone number, and postal or email addresses, before sending your submission in either digital or physical form to one of these addresses:
- By email (preferred):
- By post: Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure (old ver), ACT Legislative Assembly, GPO Box 1020, Canberra ACT 2601
- Online: Make a Submission
Submissions received by the committee may be published online, but personal contact details will be removed.
Need help? Check out our guide to writing a submission for tips and advice.
Terms of reference
Standing order 16 requires the Committee in each term to inquire into and report on the operation of the standing orders and continuing resolutions of the Assembly with a view to ensuring that the practices and procedures of the Assembly remain relevant and reflect practice.
At its meeting on Monday 19 September 2022, the Committee agreed to commence its review. The Committee has adopted the proposed timetable:
In late September – the inquiry will be advertised in the press and the following parties be written to:
- all current Members
- former Chief Ministers and Speakers
- the Head of Service
- the Labor Party, Canberra Liberals and the ACT Greens
- staff of the Office of the Legislative Assembly
- Parliamentary Counsel
- the Electoral Commissioner, Auditor-General, Ombudsman and the Integrity Commissioner;
- relevant academics
- the Commissioner for Standards and Ethics and Integrity Advisor
- Any other relevant parties
Submissions will close on 23 December 2022 and any public hearings the Committee elect to conduct wold be in early February 2022. The Committee expects to be able to report late April 2023.