All bills presented to the Assembly are referred to the relevant standing committee for consideration under Standing Order 174.
The committee must advise the Speaker of its decision to inquire into a bill within three weeks of its presentation to the Assembly, or one week after the relevant scrutiny report is tabled (whichever is later).
Where the committee inquiries into a bill, it must complete its report within three months of the bill’s presentation in the Assembly, except bills presented in the last sitting period of each year where the committee must report within four months of the bill’s presentation.
Below is a list of all bills considered by the Standing Committee on Education and Community Inclusion during the 10th Assembly.
Pursuant to Standing Order 99A—a petition or e-petition with at least 500 signatories from residents/citizens of the Australian Capital Territory shall be referred to the relevant Assembly standing committee for consideration.
In the event that the subject matter of the Petition makes it unclear which committee it should be referred to, the Speaker will determine the appropriate committee.
Petitions referred to the Standing Committee on Education and Community Inclusion - 2024 (Katie Test):