Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure (old ver) (Dissolved)

Committee members

Ms Joy Burch
Mr Andrew Braddock
Mr Jeremy Hanson
Ms Suzanne Orr

Welcome to the Administration and Procedure Committee homepage. This committee sets the order of private members' and Assembly business in the chamber. It also advises the Speaker on the Assembly's operation and standing orders reviews.

Unlike most committees, the establishment and terms of reference of the Administration and Procedure committee comes from standing orders, the Assembly's rule book. Chapter 3 lays out the following:

16. (a) A Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure is established at the commencement of each Assembly to: undertake self-referred inquiries or inquiries referred by the Assembly and, in addition, in the third year of an Assembly term the committee shall inquire into and report on the operation of the standing orders and continuing resolutions of the Assembly with a view to ensuring that the practices and procedures of the Assembly remain relevant and reflect best practice; (Amended 29 November 2018) advise the Speaker on: (A) Members’ entitlements including facilities and services; (B) the operation of the transcription service (Hansard); (C) the availability to the public of Assembly documents; (D) the operation of the Assembly library; arrange the order of private Members’ business, Assembly business and Crossbench Executive Members’ business; (Amended 27 November 2012 and 29 November 2018)

(b) the Committee shall consist of: (i) the Speaker; (ii) the Government whip; (iii) the Opposition whip; (iv) and a representative of the crossbench (or if a single party, the whip of that party);

(ba) Should a whip be unable to attend a meeting, the Party nominated deputy whip may attend in their place;

(c) the Speaker shall be the Chair of the Committee; and

(d) the Committee shall have the power to consider and make use of the evidence and records of the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure appointed during the previous Assemblies. (Amended 9 March 1995 and 4 May 1995; further amended 28 May 1998, 6 March 2008, 8 December 2011, 13 December 2016 and 29 November 2018)

The resolution establishing committees of the Tenth Assembly added:

(11)     in addition, the membership of the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure, established under standing order 16, be composed of the:
(a)       Speaker, as Chair;
(b)       Government whip;
(c)       Opposition whip; and
(d)       ACT Greens whip;

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